Use of English PRO

Multiple Choice - (C1) Advanced Certificate of English

For Questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Team Sports

Doing sport obviously has a (0) GREAT number of health benefits for young people. It is also an ideal opportunity to (1) ............ technology aside for a while. In addition, team sports such as rugby have an excellent (2) ............ for encouraging youngsters to work with others towards achieving a common goal. Many schools acknowledge that such sports encourage transferable abilities. For example, players often need to be (3) ............ of making a decision on the spur of the moment and learn to (4) ............ with conflict. Then there are the social benefits: team sports continue to play an important role throughout many people’s lives, helping them to relax and form friendships that may (5) ............ a lifetime. One of the most interesting facts about team sports is that (6) ............ successful teams tend to be those which work really well together. When joining a team, it is essential that people make a strong (7) ............ to give their all; any personal differences have to be (8) ............ for the good of the team.

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