Use of English PRO

Open Cloze - (B2) First Certificate of English

For questions 1-8, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Predicting an Earthquake

It has long (0) BEEN known that some animals behave differently before an earthquake. People (1) ............ seen fish jump out of the water onto dry land and mice appear dazed before quakes. In December 1974, Chinese scientists began (2) ............ receive reports of snakes coming out of hibernation and freezing to death before a series of minor tremors. The following months, reports were received from the city of Matamali of cattle and horses which (3) ............ become restless and were much (4) ............ frightened to enter the buildings which sheltered them at night. As a result, city leaders evacuated (5) ............ entire city. Soon after, a major earthquake struck and countless lives were saved. (6) ............ then, China has suffered a number of major quakes, which they were not as prepared (7) ............. Nevertheless, the Chinese have demonstrated that earthquakes do not always strike without warning. (8) ............ is a fact that some animals are very sensitive to magnetic fields and therefore may be able to detect the seismic activity which comes before an earthquake.

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