Use of English PRO

Word Formation - (C1) Advanced Certificate of English

For Questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

What it takes to be happy

According to experts, the way you spend your free time is vital to your general (0) HAPPINESS (HAPPY), and getting the right balance is very important. It goes without saying that physical (1) ............ (FIT) is the key, so everyone's leisure time should include some form of exercise, (2) ............ (IDEAL) something that you find (3) ............ (ENJOY). Most people also gain satisfaction) from doing something (4) ............ (CREATE) , such as painting, cooking or gardening. However, not all your free time (5) ............ (ACTIVE) should be solitary or you may end up feeling lonely. (6) ............ (COMPANION) is also important to most people's sense of well-being. But you must find the right kind of social (7) ............ (INTERACT). Membership in some groups, such as (8) ............ (POLITICS) parties can simply lead to stress and frustration. Joining a social group like a choir or a dance classes likely to be much more beneficial.

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