Use of English PRO

Word Formation - (B2) First Certificate of English

For Questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Exam Preparation

It’s frustrating for everybody not to be able to remember things but having a bad memory can be a particular (0) DISADVANTAGE (ADVANTAGE) for students at exam time. Anyway, I did a search on the internet and found (1) .......... (COUNT) ideas for improving your memory. One idea I thought particularly (2) .......... (VALUE) was that we should try and use all our senses when given information to learn. So, for example, instead of reading (3) .......... (SILENT), we should record the material and then listen to it. Apparently, the (4) .......... (COMBINE) of speaking and listening helps reinforce the (5) .......... (WRITE) skills. Another theory, which some people might find (6) .......... (LIKELY), is that there is a greater (7) .......... (POSSIBLE) of our memorising something successfully if we do it when the house is (8) .......... (PEACE) and, preferably, just before bedtime.

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