Use of English PRO

Keyword Transformation- (B2) First Certificate of English

For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

Do not use contractions.


1. Was it necessary for her to spend so much money on it?

Did ........................ spend so much money on it?


2. She's driving too fast for me to keep up with her.

She ........................ for me to keep up with her.


3. Susan and Frank don't like each other.

Susan and Frank don't ........................ with each other.


4. It's possible that he hasn't been informed about his uncle's death.

He ........................ informed about his uncle's death.


5. Mark is very patient, he'll never give up.

Mark is ........................ give up.


6. I'm sorry I didn't go to college.

I ........................ to college.

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