Use of English PRO

Keyword Transformation- (B2) First Certificate of English

For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

Do not use contractions.


1. So that Maria could go on holiday in the summer, she saved €20 a week.

Maria saved €20 a week ........................ able to go on holiday in the summer.


2. It's not worth asking the boss for the day off.

There ........................ in asking the boss for the day off.


3. Mateo had not expected the concert to be so good.

The concert ........................ Mateo had expected.


4. 'Do you realise what the time, Harry?' asked Will.

Will asked Harry ........................ it was.


5. At the end of his speech, the winner thanked his parents.

The winner ........................ his parents.


6. I applied for the job a month ago.

It ........................ I applied for the job.

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