Use of English PRO

Keyword Transformation- (C2) Certificate of Proficiency in English

For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

Do not use contractions.


1. She never thought that he would end up in prison.

It ........................ that he would end up in prison.


2. Felix was operating the machine when the accident happened.

The machine was ........................ of the accident.


3. As far as I know, the car was stolen in the evening.

To ........................, the car was stolen in the evening.


4. I have no idea how to adjust the television set.

I am ........................ how to adjust the television set.


5. If Helen had not refused to work overtime, she would have got promotion.

Had ........................, Helen would have got promotion.


6. The chairman resigned because of his sudden illness.

The ........................ his sudden illness

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