Use of English PRO

Multiple Choice - (C2) Certificate of Proficiency in English

For Questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

The Tarahumara diet

Running (0) WORKS naturally to a Tarahumara, These fascinating people live in a remote region of northwest Mexico, an area totally (1) ............ to normal means of transport. Even horses have difficulty (2) ............ parts of the unforgiving rocky terrain. As a result, the Tarahumara (3) ............ to running as a way of getting around, sometimes covering distances of up to eighty miles a day How do they do it? Studies suggest that alongside the physical conditioning, (4) ............ by their lifestyle, diet plays an important role The Tarahumara diet (5) ............ largely of complex carbohydrates, and is almost meat-free. They generally rely on cooperative agriculture to feed the community as a whole. Pinole, a powder made of toasted corn, is the staple food, along with squash, beans and chilli. Fish and all wild plants growing nearby also (6) ............ prominently in their diet. Indeed, the fact that the Tarahumara experience a low incidence of blood pressure and heart problems (7) ............ weight to the argument that their diet is perfectly in (8) ............ with their particular lifestyle.

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