Use of English PRO

Multiple Choice - (C2) Certificate of Proficiency in English

For Questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Dance Therapy

Dance therapy gained professional (0) STATUS during the 1940s It was the inspiration of Marian Chace, who began teaching dance after her own dancing career (1) ............ to an end in 1930. She noticed that some of her students were more (2) ............ in the emotions they experienced while dancing than in technique. Intrigued by this, Chace encouraged them to explore this aspect, and (3) ............ developing classes that emphasised (4) ............ of expression through music. (5) ............, local doctors started sending her patients, including anti-social children and people with mobility problems. Later; Chace joined the staff at St Elizabeth's Hospital, where she worked with emotionally troubled patients, some of whom were suffering from (6) ............ stress disorders. Success for these patients meant being able to move rhythmically in (7) ............ with others in their class. Chace went on to study Psychiatry, and the fact that the first dance therapy interns 'began learning and teaching dance therapy in the 1950s is (8) ............ to her tireless dedication.

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