Use of English PRO

Multiple Choice - (B2) First Certificate of English

For Questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).


Hospitality - looking after visitors - is universal but in different cultures hosts are (0) EXPECTED to receive guests in different ways. In much of the ancient (1) ............ it was the custom to provide passing travellers with food and water, and look after them well. Indeed, in some regions, if visitors were in the middle of a long journey servants would wash their feet. Today, some old customs have (2) ............. In a traditional Japanese household, if a guest admires a particular object in the house, the host will (3) ............ to give it to the guest straightaway. And it is still typical in parts of Russia to greet guests with bread and salt on a special cloth. The guest is (4) ............ to kiss them and hand them back to the host. Sometimes the guest breaks (5) ............ a small piece of bread, dips it in the salt and eats it. In some countries, when (6) ............ guests arrive from abroad they may feel they have been given a particularly (7) ............ meal. But this is probably because the host politely keeps on offering more food and drink, and the guest is too embarrassed to (8) ............ anything down.

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