Use of English PRO

Word Formation - (B2) First Certificate of English

For Questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

A snooker player speaks

When I first started (0) PLAYING (PLAY) snooker, I had no real (1) ............ (KNOW) of the rules and just thought it looked like an (2) ............ (ENJOY) game. Also, I didn't need to buy any expensive (3) ............ (EQUIP) because the snooker hall near my house had tables and I spent (4) ............ (PRACTICAL) all the free time I had practising, and then decided to enter a (5) ............ (COMPETE). It was great fun! My (6) ............ (OPPOSE) was someone who'd been playing for years. Of course, he beat me, but the fact that I'd (7) ............ (LOSE) didn't put me off at all. And, (8) ............ (FORTUNE) my game improved enough for me to become a professional snooker player three years ago.

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