Use of English PRO

Word Formation - (C2) Certificate of Proficiency in English

For Questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

The Swiss Cheese Approach

For anyone who works from home, time (0) MANAGEMENT (MANAGE) can be a real problem. Poor planning is often to blame, like not knowing how to (1) ............ (PRIORITY) tasks effectively. Similarly, an (2) ............ (ABLE) to say no can lead people to take on more work than they can (3) ............ (REALISTIC) deal with. But there are solutions. One useful tip is something called the Swiss Cheese Approach. A large complex project can seem daunting, so it can be hard to make a start on it. Yet even a few minutes a day devoted to such a project could make quite an (4) ............ (APPRECIATE) difference.' By 'eating away' at it, the task can be moved forward in ways that make it seem more (5) ............ (ACCESS) One aspect, of this can be the keeping of a daily record of work, which can provide valuable (6) ............ (SIGHT) into whether time is being used (7) ............ (PRODUCT) or not. A clear policy on (8) ............ (INTERRUPT) can also be useful. Just because someone works from home, it doesn't mean they have to be available to friends 24/7.

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