Use of English PRO

Open Cloze - (C2) Certificate of Proficiency in English

For questions 1-8, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

The Galapagos (2)

(0) OF the 57 species of reptiles, land birds and mammals, more (1) ............ 80 per cent are found nowhere (2) ............. Among these is the world's (3) ............ marine lizard, the only species of penguin found in the tropics, a cormorant that has lived so long without predators that it has lost the (4) ............ to fly, and many rare species of tortoise. All are uniquely vulnerable, hence the unique concern. The Galapagos Islands were (5) ............ a national park in 1959, and developed an apparently model ecotourism industry - groups are sent (6) ............ hopping to designated sites and always with a guide. The local conservationists appeared confident at the helm, and the international environmental groups were pleased to have one (7) ............ place to worry about - until the rusting ship ran (8) ............, and leaked its cargo of oil.

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