Use of English PRO

Open Cloze - (C2) Certificate of Proficiency in English

For questions 1-8, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Conductor against mobile phones

The British composer and conductor, Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, is fast losing patience (0) WITH, the problem of mobile phone ringtones interrupting performances of classical music. During one particular concert at a music festival, three phones (1) ............ off in quick succession, prompting an angry reaction from other members of the audience who shouted at the offenders. (2) ............ a personal appeal from the festival's director for phones to be switched off, the following evening (3) ............ rang in the middle of a piano sonata. (4) ............ made matters worse was the fact (5) ............ the owner was sitting close to Sir Peter himself. 'I've just about (6) ............ enough!' Sir Peter said, branding those failing to comply with the polite request 'artistic terrorists' intent (7) ............ committing an act of vandalism. All it takes is a (8) ............ calls or message bleeps for everyone else's enjoyment of the music to be spoilt. 'Some people,' he continued, 'just can't bear having their mobile turned off. It's like they feel disconnected from the world, or not wanted!'

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